Heather’s Competing at Worlds!
Just a warning…we’re going to ask for some help.
If you’ve been with us for any length of time, you know what a big part of the dojo Heather is. She’s taught here forever, coached the Demo Team, Tournament Team, run Power Weekend and, MUCH MORE. Certainly, without her, the dojo and all of us would be a little less.
A few weeks ago, Heather was asked to compete in point sparring at Worlds in October. It’s taking place in Italy this year. Competing on a large stage has been a goal of hers for years and so during the lockdown, she has continued to train on her own in the hopes that an opportunity like this would arise. Balancing school, work and, training have been challenging but she’s persevered.
There are many expenses that go with competing at this level, including Team Canada training camps, flight, hotel, food, event fees, and much more. Competing at this level is expensive and early estimates are up to $4500 (this covers ONLY her expenses), and so we’re coming to you, asking for help.
Given the current situation, fundraising is very difficult. We are trying to figure out ways to do it, but if you would be willing to help her fund even part of her trip, it would be greatly appreciated. To do so, we’ve set up a GoFund Me which you can connect to by clicking HERE. Any amount that you can help with is greatly appreciated as deposits and other fees for her trip are beginning to add up.
One challenge that we are well aware of is the potential that the event gets cancelled or something along those lines. Should that happen, we can either refund your donation or forward it to a local charity. That choice will be up to you at the time.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can reach me at mcameron@aurorafamilymartialarts.com.