Appreciate your experiences when they end : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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Appreciate your experiences when they end

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Don’t be sad it’s over, smile because it happened. – Dr. Seuss 

Last week we had our annual holiday party and it was a great learning experience.  A couple of the old staff dropped by for the event and it was really great to see them and catch up.  As I spoke with them, I remembered how much I missed them when they left to go on to university.  Fortunately, new staff were around, we built new bonds and over time I got over the previous staff moving on by creating new memories and experiences.   

What I learned from this was that even though I was going to miss the old staff, it gave me an opportunity to build relationships and bonds with the new staff.  This cycle has happened over and over and what I’ve realized is that I really appreciate my time with the old staff but am really happy that I have new opportunities. 

This week, as you go through the week, think about all the good that happens to you and take the time to appreciate it instead of being sad about its passing.


To your success,
