Appreciate what we have. : Aurora Family Martial Arts
New Year's Offers
Karate: Kids - 94.99 (30 days) Adults - 299.99 (90 days) Kickboxing: 299.99 (90 days)

Appreciate what we have.

Since everything has been locked down, I’ve been calling a friend of mine nearly daily. With everything that’s going on, it’s become something that I look forward to and really enjoy doing.

It’s a great positive that has come out of everything that we’re going through right now.

That a positive has come out of this, makes me wonder if in the future, we’re going to look back at this time and realize that there was some good that came out of this bad.

This week’s message of the week comes from Kanye West and is all about appreciating what you have…

If you have the opportunity to play this game called life, you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until its passed. – Kanye West

This time has given me more opportunities to eat dinner with my family, to spend more time with them in the evening and to catch up with friends. A lot of good has come out of the bad.

On top of that, this time has reminded me to appreciate what I do on a regular basis. Last week when I saw everyone in our first ZOOM class, it made me realize how much I miss seeing everyone and how much I enjoy being at the school.

This week, find some things that you don’t usually get to do, take some time to appreciate them and make this challenging time easier.

See you soon,
