Education is continual - : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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Education is continual


I come from a line of really amazing women.

My grandmother was an amazing artist that sewed, knitted, played sports with me and taught my mom how to ride a bike even though she had no clue.

My mother is a nurse in her 60’s that finished her basement by herself. Top to bottom…ALL of it. She’s renovated a bathroom, built a deck, does stain glass, paints, sews, quilts and more.

I’ve always admired them, been impressed by them because they always had something new going on. They were always trying to learn something new and were evolving beyond what they used to be.

This week’s message of the week is…

Education is a continual process. It’s like a bicycle, if you don’t pedal, you don’t go forward.

I’d hate today, to be the same person that I was in my 20’s. I’d hate it too if in my 60’s and 70’s, I was still who I am now and I have to believe that we’re all pretty similar.

This week, as you go through the week, take a look at what you want to learn. How do you want to grow and develop? If there’s something that you want to try, then DO IT!

Sign up, take a class, read a book, ask someone but don’t just sit around because in 20 or so years, you don’t want to look back and think “AHHHH, I coulda, shoulda, woulda…”

See you on the mats,
