Go for it! : Aurora Family Martial Arts
New Year's Offers
Karate: Kids - 94.99 (30 days) Adults - 299.99 (90 days) Kickboxing: 299.99 (90 days)

Go for it!

I had this student start class last night and they said to me that they’d been thinking of taking karate for quite a while. They had been humming and hawing over it, tiptoeing around the idea, balancing the pros and cons. However you want to say it, they finally started last night, did a fantastic job and I think they really enjoy their time.

Afterwards, I thought about what would have happened in 5 10 15 20 years, had they not tried it? What if in that time frame, they end up with these big regrets?

What if they missed out on something that they may have really enjoyed doing? This weeks message of the week revolves around that. This week’s message of the week is really simple. It’s…

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.

You know, I would hate for that person to have put off trying karate, because maybe it ends up being so that they really enjoy doing. Maybe it’s something that’s just really great for them. It’s good for their health. It’s a chance for them to bond with their kid. So much good.

We’ve all got something like that in our life. Something that we’re thinking about, but still haven’t done and I don’t want to see in 5-10 whatever number years all these people look back and think “I could have, should have, would have…”.

This week, take some time just to think about something that you really want to try. Something you wanted to take a shot at and take some steps into doing it. Who knows, it may end up being something that you just really love doing. In the end, your regrets may be that you should have started a while ago.

I look forward to seeing you on the mats.
