Love and duty. What a way to separate joy from work. : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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Love and duty. What a way to separate joy from work.

Love and duty. What a way to separate joy from work.

Last week I was on a conference call with a bunch of different sports organizations from the area. All of the people on the call help run different sports organizations and they were on the call trying to figure out ways to overcome the current situation and what will likely arise from it in the future so that it doesn’t affect people’s participation in sport.

While on the call, I could tell that these people were SO committed to helping people get back to sport. They understand the importance of sport and how it brings people together, creates a healthy community, raises spirits, develops confidence, improves mental and physical health and so much more.

From their commitment and their desire to make sure that people got back to sport and their healthy routines, I realized this week’s message of the week…

Love is a better teacher than duty.

These people and organizations are operating at such a level because they love what they do. They’re staying up late, meeting with people and going well beyond their comfort zones not because they feel they have some obligation to do it but because they love doing it.

Right now, we’re all operating at a special level. Frontline workers are working tirelessly, people are distancing and isolating and we’re all doing our best to adjust to a new situation. We’re all pitching in one way or another with the goal of getting back to normal because we love what we do so much more than the distancing and isolation.

This week, if you’re feeling down, take some time to remember that we’re all doing this together, that it will eventually end and that we’re doing this because we love doing what we do.