Make some change or change your attitude. - : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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Make some change or change your attitude.

Part of our Black Belt testing is that you have to make a presentation.  The presentation is all about your experience going from White to Black Belt.  In it, students talk about what they liked and disliked, their favourite memories and more.  I find the presentation really helpful because it’s a great source of feedback from people that have been in the program for a long time.

Sometimes the dislikes are totally understandable and well thought out and they make me pause and think about how we do things.  Sometimes though, the dislikes are ridiculous because they’re things that are out of everyone’s control.

This weeks message of the week is…

If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude.  – Maya Angelou.

It’s a really great thought that makes a lot of sense, but it’s sometimes hard to implement.  Sometimes we get in the habit or routine of complaining about things when we should either be changing it, or like the saying says, changing out attitude.

This week, as you go through the week, take a look at the things that are bothering you.  Of those things, what can you change and what do you have to accept?  Sort that out, make some change to whatever you can and the rest, just accept.

To your success,
