The key to self-improvement is to never stop : Aurora Family Martial Arts
Celebrate Family Month with BOGO Beginner Programs - 2 Beginner Programs for $94.99

The key to self-improvement is to never stop

I was reminded of the key to self-improvement this week and that is to never stop. No matter how big or small…never stop.

Wednesday morning, there were about 25 people in class. All ages and all belts. Seeing so many people training together is something that I love.

While I was teaching, seeing all those smiling faces, it reminded me of a term we use in the martial arts.


It stands for CONSTANT AND NEVERENDING IMPROVEMENT. At Black Belt we talk a bit about that once we’ve received our Black Belt, we’re not finished training. Our training is now about improving on what we already know.

It’s the thought that no matter who you are and what you know, you can always be improving at something.

The people that are continuing their training in the morning class (and some are even taking it up for the firs time…Blake, Cherylyn, Margaret!) or participating in the COVID Challenge, show that they are different from those people that aren’t. They have or are CANI. They’re not letting a challenge like what we’re going through right now, set them back. It’s amazing!

They have a desire to get better or to reach a goal and they don’t want to be the person that says..

I Can’t!

They’re the type of people that say


This week, look for every opportunity you can to improve, no matter how small it is. That little improvement may help you move forward or it may just slow down a slight backslide but whatever it is, it’ll help because…

The key to self-improvement is to never stop.

Keep up the great work and I’ll see you on the mats soon!
