Use dissatisfaction to drive change. : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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Use dissatisfaction to drive change.

Dissatisfaction is a great starting point, for it is right there that we have the most power, strength, and energy to push change through. – David DeNotaris

Well, happy new year. Hope you guys have had a great holiday, gotten some rest and are feeling recharged.

Over the break I always take some time to review my year and see how I feel about it. Inevitably during this time some dissatisfaction with a goal that I missed, how I handled a situation or something else along those lines comes up. While initially I always feel bad about it, I find that my best work or greatest satisfaction comes when I use that displeasure to drive me towards change.

I remember reading a quote once that said, “The greatest leverage you can create for yourself is the pain that comes from inside, knowing that you have failed to live up to your own standards.” This really affected me because it made me do two things. One, it made me establish some standards for things like my health, family time, work etc. and I had to always keep those in mine when making decisions. The second thing that it made me do was acknowledge that when I’m not meeting those standards, I needed to make some change. And, sometimes making change can be scary but there is one thing for certain and that is if you’re not happy with what’s going on, then you’re never going to be unless you change something so you might as well get at it now.

When I make change, even if it doesn’t go how I planned or even if I was flat out wrong, I feel better because I didn’t sit around and just wait for things to happen to me; I was proactive and that feels good. Plus, no matter what happens, it provides me with some feedback and that helps me choose a better path or direction.

I always finish by saying something along the lines of “This week, as you go through the week…” but today I want us to think about the year. And so this year, as you go through the year, think about your standards and what you value and make sure that you’re living up to those standards.


To your success,
