What REALLY determines what we are is... : Aurora Family Martial Arts
Celebrate Family Month with BOGO Beginner Programs - 2 Beginner Programs for $94.99

What REALLY determines what we are is…

I remember hearing an idea once and it totally changed my life.  It was so simple and it offered me infinite hope.

Just a few days ago, I was reading Harry Potter with my daughter and Dumbledore recited nearly the exact same thing and I thought that if Dumbledore is going to offer similar wisdom, well then it must apply to more people than just myself.

It’s our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.


Let that sink in.  Think about all that it can mean for you.

No longer do your results determine who you are.  The fact that you were willing to do something that you weren’t good at, says more about you.

it doesn’t matter anymore that you failed a billion times before you finally got it.  It’s not that you got it, it’s that you didn’t quit.

When you start to embrace this idea, it’s really liberating.

You’re no longer defined by what you’ve achieved, but by your efforts and what you’ve chosen to do.

Your intentions become what you are.

This week, as you go through the week, choose your actions carefully because they are what make you (NOT the results).


To your success,
