What really matters? The little things. : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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What really matters? The little things.

It’s true. What really matters, is the little things. They’re easy to overlook, but should never be forgotten.

Since we moved online, we’ve been offering private lessons online to our students. The whole goal of doing that was to make sure that students continued to train, learn and grow.

Each week, I’ve also been checking in with the teachers to see how these lessons are going. Last week, when I was speaking with one of the teachers, I asked how their lesson went with a specific student and they said “Great. We just talked the whole time.”

Well, that wasn’t quite my goal of the lesson, but I thought about how nice that was. That these two people just wanted to take some time to chat and reconnect was great. It meant a lot to both of them and that’s what this week’s message of the week is about.

This week’s message is…

In a gentle way, you can shake the world.

This small act of talking and reconnecting for 15 minutes meant so much to the student. It could have easily been a 5 minute conversation, but I don’t think that it would have meant as much.

Unfortunately, sometimes the small things are the easiest to let drop or forget about. However, over time, the small things that get left behind sometimes turn into big things and that’s a problem.

It’s the small things that we do for each other that really matter. Those small, simple gestures, like a 15 minute conversation, a silly joke or a simple gesture, are the reason that we love and care for each other. Over time, they all add up and become the basis for our relationships.

So, this week, as you go through the week, if you ever wonder “What really matters?”, don’t forget that it’s the little things, because they really matter to someone.

To your success,
