What's the most important thing in the world? : Aurora Family Martial Arts
Celebrate Family Month with BOGO Beginner Programs - 2 Beginner Programs for $94.99

What’s the most important thing in the world?

What’s the most important thing in the world? With everything that’s been going on lately, it’s hard not to ask some big questions. Inevitably, the mother of all questions gets asked.

For me and I’m pretty confident that it’s the same for most of you, there has been one solid constant. One thing that has that got me through all the ups, downs, the “I’m not even sure’s”… and that got me thinking about this week’s message of the week. This week’s message of the week is really simple…

Family it’s not an important thing. It is everything.

It’s the constant. It’s the people that love you, the people that care for you, the people that help you, and do all the good in your life no matter what.

This week, when you’re facing a challenge and asking yourself what’s the most important thing in the world…just make sure you take some time to appreciate your family. That’s it.

I look forward to seeing you on the mats soon.


PS. This reminds me of another post that we did about the importance of friends. To check it out, just click HERE.