When you want to build courage and strength, try this. : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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When you want to build courage and strength, try this.

Last week I was speaking to a student at the school and we started talking about experiences and how they build courage.  I was telling him that I was thinking about doing something totally new and that it really scared me.  It was something that was really outside of my comfort zone.

As I’ve considered this new experience, I’ve kept reminding myself that the experiences that benefited me the most, scared me the most.

With that in mind, this week’s message of the week is…

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Years ago I changed the name of the school and that really scared me, but it’s worked out great.

Starting my own business was really scary, but that’s been an amazing experience too.

I’m not saying everything I’ve done thats been scary has worked out, but some of my most valuable experiences have been some of my scariest.

This week, as you go through the week, think about something that you’ve been avoiding and ask yourself if it’s because you’re scared.  If you are scared of it, take a shot at facing it (maybe even in just a small way) and gain some experience from it so that the next time you have to do something similar, you’re better prepared.