When you're feeling down, try this. : Aurora Family Martial Arts
New Year's Offers
Karate: Kids - 94.99 (30 days) Adults - 299.99 (90 days) Kickboxing: 299.99 (90 days)

When you’re feeling down, try this.


This week in class we’re talking about ways to build up your energy and feel great.  One of the best ways that we can do this is by monitoring who we spend time with.  The people we spend time with fall into a couple of different categories – people that make us feel great and people that don’t.  Which category people fall into, depends on how open we are with them.

You see, a lot of us spend our days not being our authentic selves and that drains us of energy.  They’re co-workers that we don’t want to rock the boat with, so we put on a facade and agree with everything they say or they’re people at school that we want to be friends with so we try to act like them and please them.

Jim Morrison, the great poet/philosopher says that “A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.” When we’re open and honest with people, we use a lot less energy and that’s why true friends are so good for our souls.

This week, as you go through the week, consider who you’re spending the most time with, are they people that drain you or people that build you.  If you’re spending more time with people that drain you of energy, consider making some change.

If you’d like more information on one of our programs or to book a trial class:

[button_2 align=”center” href=”http://eepurl.com/cUai0j”]Kids Program[/button_2]

[button_2 align=”center” href=”http://eepurl.com/cUai0P”]Adult Program[/button_2]