Who do you want to be this year? - : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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Who do you want to be this year?

Happy New Year! 2020…it sounds so futuristic.

This is absolutely one of my favourite times of the year. I love all the hope, optimism and how people start to reinvent themselves.

They start dreaming about who they want to be, what they want to become and start to become new people. It’s really amazing.

One of the great things about the school is how everyone supports each other. They cheer each other on, provide words of encouragement and help each other dream bigger. It’s a really great place.

I want to make 2020 our greatest year ever and so I have an idea. Lets share our goals with each other. When we do this, we can help each other stay on track and become more accountable for how we want to FINISH 2020.

With that being said, I’ll go first…

Goal #1 – I want to take better care of my body. Last year I did a good job stretching and seeing professionals on a regular basis, but I want to do it more this year.

Goal #2 – I want to grade to my next Black Belt. I’m definitely improving but if I’m to grade this year (May or November I think), my Japanese and technique both need to improve.

Goal #3 – I want to read more. I really enjoy reading and do it on a regular basis, but I’d like to do it more this year.

Those aren’t my only goals for the year, but they’re three good ones that all of you can help me with by keeping me accountable. That being said, I’d love for you to send me some of your goals for the year. Just email them to mcameron@aurorafamilymartialarts.com and throughout the year, we can check in and help keep each other on track.

To your success,
