Why do we all do this? It doesn't make sense. : Aurora Family Martial Arts
New Year's Offers
Karate: Kids - 94.99 (30 days) Adults - 299.99 (90 days) Kickboxing: 299.99 (90 days)

Why do we all do this? It doesn’t make sense.

There’s a funny thing that happens in the martial arts. Ask any martial arts teacher and they’ll back me up on this…

In fact, even if you’ve never trained, I guarantee that you’ve done it too.

As instructors, we see people all the time, become their fittest, most confident, absolute best self, achieve their Black Belt…and then quit.

They quit doing the thing that made them great.

This week in class, our message of the week is…

We first make our habits and then our habits make us. – John Dryden

I’m not saying that I’m not guilty of this either.  I stop training as hard as I can, I slack off on my diet, I go to bed too late.  I’ve done it all…just like you.

Tony Robbins says that we’re all going to slack off at some point but the key to success is shortening the amount of time that we spend slacking off.  To get back on that horse as fast as possible.

This week, as you go through the week, take a look at the great habits that you used to have and readopt ONE.  Just one.  Keep it simple, get back on that horse and see how much better you’ll feel in just a few days.


To your success,
