Why you should appreciate challenges : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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Why you should appreciate challenges

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A person is great by deeds, not by birth. – Chanakya

One summer when I was a kid, I cut my grandmother’s lawn weekly.  Once she gave me a hard time about not closing the flap on the outlet that I had used to plug the line trimmer in and I remember thinking that she was the pickiest person in the world but from that point on, I made sure to close the flap.  When cutting lawns was done, she had me bag leaves for her and she was just as ruthless about the details but because of that, I actually still bag leaves the exact way that she showed me.  My grandmother raised seven kids on her own and the only way that she could have achieved that was because she was the most organized, meticulous and disciplined person in the world.  It was hard not to respect her for all of those reasons.

One of the reasons that I love the martial arts is because it’s a meritocracy.  Your rank isn’t determined by how much money you have, the people you know or how good looking you are (thank goodness!) but by what YOU can do.  I’ve seen the most awkward, uncoordinated people in the world show up to class day after day and over time, they’ve become really great martial artists.  What made them special was that they never quit and just kept working until they achieved their goal.

This week, as you go through the week, embrace the struggles and challenges that you face because facing them is what make you special and separates you from the quitters.



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To your success,
