Embrace the change! : Aurora Family Martial Arts
New Year's Offers
Karate: Kids - 94.99 (30 days) Adults - 299.99 (90 days) Kickboxing: 299.99 (90 days)

Embrace the change!

With everything that’s going on, you’ve got to embrace change. Everywhere we go, home, work and school, we’re being forced to adapt and it’s a great opportunity.

Last week I was helping one of my duaghters with her school work and it was going really poorly. It was a subject that I’m not strong in, the assignement was confusing and when I combined that with some other things, I lost my cool. It wasn’t my best moment.

Later that day, after I cooled down, I came up with a better way to deal with her school work moving forward. I feel better. My daughter feels better. We’re just better overall.

I was also talking with a parent last week about seeing their child online, in class. I hadn’t seen them yet and the parent said that they had not way of doing it and that it was too hard.

10 minutes later, I saw her child in class and she admitted that it wasn’t that difficult once she gave it a shot. Now her child is back training, learning and growing.

Look, with everything that we have going on, we have a lot of opportunities to learn new things. I eventually learned how I need to work with my daughter. A parent learned how to get her son online and training.

Embracing change and learning new things is what this week’s message is all about. This week’s message is…

See any detour as an opportunity to experience new things.

We are being FORCED out of our regular routines and comfort zones and this gives us a great chance to learn new things.

This week, as we go through the week, embrace change, accept that you are going to do something new and that it probably won’t go well, but the experience is going to be worth it.

That’s it! I look forward to seeing everyone on the mats soon.
