Have courage and achieve your goals. - : Aurora Family Martial Arts
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Have courage and achieve your goals.

I had a conversation with a friend last week and as we spoke, it reminded me of the importance of courage. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to have courage.

My friend and I hadn’t spoken in a long time. After catching up, inevitably, we got on the topic of how our schools were doing. When he asked me, I said “We’re doing GREAT!” Students are training regularly and improving and as a result there’s a bunch of students receiving new belts this week. I then asked him how he was doing and it was completely the opposite. I couldn’t help but feel for him and it reminded me of the message of the week.

This week’s message of the week is…

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.

He asked me what we were doing around the school and I told him about everything that we’ve done and changed since COVID hit. As I told him about all the new things we were doing, he kept saying “No…won’t work…too difficult…my students won’t do that…” What I realized part way through his oppositions was that everything we were doing was new and sometimes doing something new can be scary. He didn’t want to do these things because he was scared.

Doing something new can be scary. The uncertainty and possibility of failure is real. It’s alright to be scared, but if you really want to achieve your goals, you’re going to have to do things that are scary and that takes courage. Being courageous isn’t the absence of fear. Being courageous is doing things when you ARE afraid.

This week, take some time to recognize that you may be afraid about trying something new but also acknowledge that it’s integral in helping you achieve your goals. If you can make that connection, overcoming that fear should be easier. That’s it!

Take care and see you on the mats!


PS. This reminds me of another post that I made about embracing change. To see it, click HERE.