Tomatoes ripen at different rates. : Aurora Family Martial Arts
Celebrate Family Month with BOGO Beginner Programs - 2 Beginner Programs for $94.99

Tomatoes ripen at different rates.

I remember a friend saying something to me once and it was genius. It answered so many questions that I had as an instructor.

When I’m looking at a student that isn’t getting the results they want, I bounce back and forth between the thoughts of “Are they working hard enough” and “Are they just not ready” and that’s what this week’s message of the week is about.

Tomatoes ripen at different rates.

A bushel of tomatoes will get the same light, water and grow in the same soil as each other, but inevitably, some will ripen faster than others. Similarly, no two students develop at the same rate.

What one person may achieve in a few months, can easily take another students much longer to and so this week, if you feel like you’re putting in the work, but not getting the results, that’s alright. You may just not be ready yet but be proud of the fact that you know you’re doing your best.

See you in class,
