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Celebrate Family Month with BOGO Beginner Programs - 2 Beginner Programs for $94.99
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How to tie your belt

You might want to check out the video of how to tie your belt too. It’s just below Step 9.

step 1
Step 1: Place one end of the best flat against the stomach, leaving the other belt end longer
Step 2: While holding the short end of belt, wrap the longer end around the waist twice
Step 3: Cross the best in the front so that one end of the belt is on top of the other end.
Step 4: The belt on top tucks under both layers and points upward, the other end points downward.
Step 5: Pull both ends out to the sides.
Step 6: Place the belt pointing up over the top of the belt pointing down, leaving a hole.
Step 7: Bring the top end of the belt up and through the hole that is formed by the belt on the bottom.
Step 8: Take the end of the belt up through the hole. Pull both ends out to the sides.
Step 9: The knot is square and goes around both pieces of belt. Both ends are the same length.

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How Often to Attend Class

Consistent, regular attendance and effort is the key to achieving any goal. At a minimum, each student is required to attend two classes per week. Of those two classes, one must be an ‘A’ day (Monday/ Tuesday/ Saturday) and one must be a ‘B’ day (Wednesday/Thursday).

Getting Started

In order for you to attend classes, you will need to reserve a spot in class. To do that, you:

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My child wants to quit and I don’t want them to…now what?

“My child wants to quit.”

I hear this often.  Have you ever lost interest in something?  I have.  I have a guitar in my basement, a curling broom and shoes in my garage and a handful of other activities and hobbies that I’ve started and moved on from.  I’d guess that you have similar experiences.  All of this means that your kid is normal.  But…you don’t want them to quit because you think the activity that they’re involved in is important and so now what?  Well the good news is that there are a few strategies that you can use to help your child get through this phase (and there’s a good chance that that’s all it is). 

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Getting Started with Zen Planner

In order for you to attend classes, you will need to reserve a spot in class. To do that, you will:

  • Download the Zen Planner Member App.
  • Once you have the app, go through the process of setting up a password using the email address that you provided us.
  • Click on “Forgot Password.” Follow the steps to set up a new password.

Once you have downloaded the Zen Planner Member App, you will use it to reserve your spot in class. This MUST be done before every class and can be done up to 5 days in advance.

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2023 Summer Fun: What’s it all about!

Dear AFMA Students,

As the temperature rises and the school year winds down, we at Aurora Family Martial Arts are thrilled to announce our “Summer Fun” program! This exciting program runs from May 1st to August 31st and is designed to keep you motivated, engaged, and on track with your training throughout the summer.

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